Phase 2: Muscle and Ligament Strengthening / Posture Correction / Injury Resilience

physio working on young patient

Once you are out of pain you will be seen in office less frequently (usually on a bi-weekly basis), but will be expected to continue home care as advised by our doctors and trainers. We will empower you with the tools you need to continue to improve your own health and prevent backsliding in your progress.

Office visits every 2 weeks are important to monitor your condition as you continue to heal. Similar to phase 1, we will use modalities along with adjustments each visit to help you to continue to improve and strengthen your muscles and ligaments. It is important that you continue to adhere to treatment recommendations during this phase as your body is still healing and a re aggravation is possible.

During this phase, recommended exercise and home care become increasingly important. Often times during this phase the doctors may recommend our physician guided personal training program. These are one-on-one sessions with our in-house strength coach to assist in stabilizing your joints and strengthening your muscles to keep your injuries from returning.

Our Team

Dr. James Ellis, DC MSACN - Chiropractic Physician

Dr. James Ellis, DC MSACN

Chiropractic Physician

Dr. Lyndsay Martin, DC - Chiropractic Physician

Dr. Lyndsay Martin, DC

Chiropractic Physician

Dr. Kate Tambascio, DC - Chiropractic Physician

Dr. Kate Tambascio, DC

Chiropractic Physician

Dr. Steve Tambascio, DC - Chiropractic Physician

Dr. Steve Tambascio, DC

Chiropractic Physician

Dr. Jake Schofield, DC MSES - Chiropractic Physician

Dr. Jake Schofield, DC MSES

Chiropractic Physician

Dr. Ana Canelo Serrano - Chiropractic Physician

Dr. Ana Canelo Serrano

Chiropractic Physician

Kelly Tinder - Office Manager

Kelly Tinder

Office Manager

Greg Miles, BS - Strength and Conditioning Coach

Greg Miles, BS

Strength and Conditioning Coach